Socialive has six account roles: Guest, Contributor, Creator, Broadcaster (Producer), and Admin. Each role has access to different features and areas of the platform. Learn more about user roles here.
Review Creating a New Socialive Space and Managing Access in Spaces to learn more about managing user access within Socialive.
To create a user, you must be an administrator in your Socialive account.
1. In Socialive, Open the Account Menu in the bottom left corner. You will see a list of users created in your Socialive account.
2. Click Add User at the top right.
3. Enter user information
Email - Enter the user's email address. This will be used when logging in to Socialive.
Full Name - Enter the user's first and last name.
Location - Enter the user's location. This is optional.
Role - Select the user account role you want to assign to this user, either Guest, Contributor, Creator, Broadcaster (Producer), or Admin. For more information on user account roles, refer to the article on Managing Socialive User Roles.
Custom Password - You can choose to set a password for the user by selecting this option, or allow users to create their own password by leaving it off by default.
Custom Password- When this option is selected, you create a password for the user.
The password must be between 8 and 20 characters and contain a minimum of 1 number, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 special character (@#$%^&*+=!), and cannot contain any spaces.
An email invitation will not be sent to the user, but you can share the credentials with the user separately. This is useful when creating user accounts for guests for a future broadcast; it eliminates issues such as:Guests not able to find the email invitation to complete the account registration.
Guests forgetting their user account credentials.
Producers not wanting to send email invitations to guests before the broadcast is scheduled.
Ask User to Set Password - When this option is selected, an email invitation will be sent with instructions for the user to set their own password and complete the account registration.
4. Click Send Invite at the bottom right.
If you selected "Custom Password" when creating the user account, the user will appear on the Users list Immediately.
If you do not set a password for the user, the user account will not appear on the Users list until they set their password and complete the account registration. To help them with the account registration, you can share the instructions in the article Completing the Setup of Your Socialive Account.
If the email of the user account is already registered to a Socialive user, they will be added to your account with their existing Name, Location, and Password. Once added, they can log in to Socialive as usual, and then select your account from the Settings menu.
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