This article provides instructions on how to complete the setup of your Socialive account. Depending on your use role, you will be able to participate in or produce studio-quality videos with Socialive.
- On the email invitation, click Set your password. This will take you to our account creation page.
- Enter the following information:
- Full Name - Enter your first and last name or verify it is written correctly. This will be auto-populated with the information provided by the administrator who created the account.
- Email - Verify your email address is correct. This will be auto-populated with the information provided by the administrator who created the account. If you want to use a different email address to log in, enter it here.
Password - Create a password for your account.
The password must be between 8 and 20 characters and contain a minimum of 1 number, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 special character (@#$%^&*+=!), and cannot contain any spaces.
- Password Confirmation - Re-enter your password.
- Click Create account. You will be automatically logged in to the Socialive web portal.
Still looking for an answer?
Contact Socialive Support via live chat, email at [email protected], or submit a support ticket.