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Socialive Glossary























Admin Role

Also known as the producer. This user can establish new Studio sessions, create and livestream video, and manage users, channels, players, distribution channels, polls, etc. For more information about User Roles, refer to our Support Center article.

Approved for LinkedIn Live

The process by which an individual or company has had an application reviewed by LinkedIn to have the LinkedIn Live feature enabled for their page or profile.

Aspect Ratio

The relation between an image's width (or video) and its height. Usually, it is written as two numbers separated by a colon (e.g., 16:9). If the first number is the largest, it's a horizontal image. If the second number is larger, it's a vertical image.

Audio Gain

The input level of audio sources into a mixer or a platform like Socialive.

Audio Mixer

Also known as a mixing console, is an electronic hardware device for combining sounds and adjusting the levels of many different sources such as microphones.

Audio Signal Flow

The path an audio signal takes from the source (what you say) to output (what you hear).


The process of determining a user's identity by exchanging credentials (username, password, tokens, etc.) for permission to access a system.


A mechanism within the Socialive platform whereby presenters (or guests) who are backstage are auto-muted, meaning their microphone audio is not audible in the composite recording at that moment.

AV Desync

Audio-to-Video desynchronization; This occurs when audio and video play out at different times. It can be caused by several different factors such as network issues, high CPU usage, etc. If you have AV Desync issues, refer to the Audio Desync or Video Lag troubleshooting article in our Support Center.



B-roll or B-roll is any supplementary video footage secondary to your primary footage. "Behind the scenes" and "Highlight Clips" are examples of B-roll you can add to a video.


The amount of data encoded for a unit of time. For streaming, it is usually referenced in megabits per second (Mbps) for video and kilobits per second (kbps) for audio. A higher video bitrate means a higher quality video that requires more bandwidth from a streaming perspective.


A cloud-based online video platform used to publish and distribute videos on the Web. Brightcove is a Socialive partner and one of the channels to which producers can livestream. For instructions on livestreaming to Brightcove, refer to our Support Center article.


The distribution of audio or video content (pre-recorded or live) to an audience via any mass communications medium such as social media and any other digital platform.

Broadcaster Role

This user role can establish new Studio sessions, create and livestream video, upload media and graphics, and view recordings from the Socialive library. For more information about User Roles, refer to our Support Center article.

Buffering (in Streaming)

This occurs when downloading a certain amount of data before playing a video. For example, a device will buffer the video's data and then begin playing it when there is enough data downloaded to prevent lag in the stream. However, if the stream reaches the point where it no longer has enough data to download, it will pause the video, and you will have to wait until more data downloads to resume playing. This can happen when the internet speed is too slow to download the amount of data needed.



A call to action is an invitation for a user to take some desired action. An example of a call to action in a video would be to ask your audience to follow you on social media or drive them to a link to sign up or make a purchase.

Capture Card

A device used in conjunction with a computer that allows real-time a/v signal to be interpreted by the computer and encoded for livestreaming. It brings video (and sometimes audio) signal into the computer, usually converting HDMI or SDI video signal into USB output.


An end-to-end workflow-enabled within the Socialive platform, where a user from their location first captures content, then in Socialive, a user will create the final asset using that contributed content before distributing it to audiences (live or on-demand).


A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers that work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content. A CDN's mission is to virtually shorten the physical distance between the user and a website's hosting server; the goal is to improve site rendering speed and performance.

Closed Captioning

The most common form of captioning. The visual display (as text) of audio on media can be identified by the [CC] symbol. CC includes background noises, speaker differentiation, and other relevant information translated from sound to text. The viewer can turn off closed captions with a button click.


Coder/Decoder (CoDec). A codec is a device or computer program which encodes or decodes a digital data stream or signal. A coder or encoder encodes the data stream or a signal for transmission or storage. The decoder function reverses the encoding for playback or editing. Codecs are used in videoconferencing, streaming media, and video editing applications.


Constant Frame Rate refers to the number of images displayed per second. This number is fixed and does not change over time. The goal of CFR is to optimize stream integrity and portability. Consistent frames equal larger size files but can make it easier when porting over into other programs like video editing software.

Container (format)

A file format that allows multiple data streams to be embedded into a single file, usually along with metadata for identifying and further detailing those streams. In multi-media containers, some of the types of files it can hold are MP4, FLV, MKV, MOV, etc.

Creator RoleThis user role can join a Socialive session, contribute videos to the Recordings Library, and record, edit, and publish videos. 

Cut (transition)

The most basic type of shot transition, and it is the most common way to join two shots sequentially. It is the continuation of two different shots within the same time and space.



The Socialive Dashboard/Portal available at https://portal.socialive.us

Developer's Console

The dev console allows the Development/Product team to see what is happening with the code on the backend of a web page or application. If something needs troubleshooting, they will check the dev console to see potential errors or related issues.

Device Recording
A device recording is a recording captured on the device used with Socialive and a cloud recording is the recording Socialive automatically captures.

Dissolve (transition)

Like the fade transition, a dissolve transition involves gradually changing the picture's visibility. However, rather than transitioning from a shot to a color, a dissolve is when a shot changes into another shot gradually.

Download Speed

Refers to the speed at which your internet connection can retrieve data from the internet.



A device or process that converts data from one format to another for transit or storage. A video encoder converts analog or digital video to another digital video format for delivery to a decoder. For example, in television streams, video encoders will typically input SDI as an uncompressed digital video signal into H.264 or HEVC.


Facebook Live

Facebook's live video streaming service lets anyone stream real-time video from their devices straight to their Facebook News Feed. With Socialive, stream to multiple pages, profiles, and groups on Facebook simultaneously or one at a time.


A network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's predetermined security rules/policies.


Frame rate, or frames per second, is the frequency (rate) at which consecutive images (frames) appear on display each second. This is a common specification used in video capture and playback.


Gated Content

Refers to any media placed behind a paywall or log-in page, requiring the user to provide personal information to access and/or payment to access the content.


In Socialive, graphics are creative assets that act as an overlay on top of live video or media sources throughout a recording, such as logos, name cards, lower thirds, CTAs, etc.

Green Room

In Socialive, the Green Room is a lobby where guests join and remain throughout a recording. It is where you (as a producer or broadcaster) can interact with your guests so they can see and hear you, so you can manage, communicate, and coordinate before and during a session.

Guest Role

In Socialive, Guests are users joining a session as content contributor (e.g., talent, guest speakers, etc.). Their user role allows them to join a session (mobile or web), upload media (mobile only), view their recordings (mobile only), and record internally to the Socialive library (see the definition for Library).


H.264 (Codec)

Also known as Advanced Video Coding, is a block-oriented, compensation-based video compression standard that defines multiple profiles (tools) and levels (max bitrates and resolutions) and is typically found in an MP4 container. This format supports 4K and up to 8K ultra-high-definition.



A company based in Canada that designs and manufactures video and audio equipment such as cards and interfaces to enhance your video conferencing with multiple cameras and video sources.


A mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware (the iPhone).

ISO (Photography)

Originally referred to film's sensitivity—its "light gathering" ability. For digital photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity, the signal gain, of the camera's sensor.

ISO Recording

An abbreviation for "ISOlated," which allows you to record each camera's source or input source independently of other feeds and final output in a live video.



The time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to its destination and back to the source.


How live sources are arranged or laid out in a scene. Socialive provides a wide variety of layouts in which you can display multiple guests, videos, and screen shares on screen at the same time. Refer to the Layout Template Dimensions to see all the available layouts.

LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live allows approved members and organizations to livestream video content to LinkedIn Page followers, profile connections, or LinkedIn Event attendees. For more information about livestreaming to LinkedIn Event Pages, refer to our Support Center article.

LinkedIn Live Approved Admin

Company pages approved for using LinkedIn Live must indicate at least one admin user during the application process to be in charge of streaming on behalf of the page. This user will authenticate the page within Socialive or any third-party livestreaming software before streaming.


A live event streaming is a real-time video to an audience over the internet.

Live Feed

The stream of sound or video over the internet from a live (not recorded) source.

Live Sources

Refers to the real-time feed from a camera/microphone or a screen share within the Socialive Studio environment.

Low LatencyA network connection that experiences very small delay times (latency).



Megabits per second is a measurement of the rate at which information is uploaded or downloaded based on your internet connection speed.


Megabytes per second is a measurement of file size or a data amount.


In Socialive, media are pieces of content that can stand alone in a recording or be pulled into layouts. These assets can be pre and post-roll, slides, and images that can be used front or end bumpers.



A Network Device Interface is a technology that allows you to stream audio and video streams from platforms like Microsoft Teams to your local network.



ON24 is a digital experience platform that offers products and services based on webcasting and virtual events technology. You can stream live from Socialive into your ON24 webcasts. For more information, refer to our Support Center article.


Over-The-Top. Initially named about devices that go "over" a cable box or set-top-box to give the users access to TV content. An over-the-top media service is a media service offered directly to viewers via the Internet. OTT bypasses cable, livestream, and satellite television platforms, the types of companies that traditionally act as controllers or distributors of such content.


Packet Loss

Occurs when one or more packets do not arrive at their destination due to network disruption or latency issues.


Picture-in-picture is a feature where one program or source is displayed on the full screen simultaneously as one or more other programs, or sources are displayed in inset windows. Still, the sound is usually from the main program or source only.


A video file that closes a session recording. For example, ending credits or a motion graphic version of a logo.


A video file that opens up or shows at the start of a session recording or video—for example, opening credits or countdown timers.


See the definition for "Admin Role"



Video resolution is measured as width by height using pixels as units. Pixels are tiny squares that make up a digital image. For example, a 1920 x 1080 video means the width is 1,920 pixels, and the height is 1,080 pixels. The most common video resolution today is High Definition (HD) 720p (1280 x 720) or 1080p (1920 x 1080).

Recordings Library

In Socialive, the Library is where all your video recordings are stored for you to review, refine, and reuse later.


Real-Time Messaging Protocol is a TCP-based technology. Its role is to deliver content from an encoder to an online video host. RTMP is both important and powerful because it is capable of low-latency streaming, known for its minimal buffering, a major plus for broadcasters streaming major events in real-time. In Socialive, we use RTMP to connect to any other platform that uses the same protocol for which we don't have an existing integration.

Run of Show

A scene-by-scene sequence of events that are created before a recording. Similar to a storyboard, it can be built in or outside of Socialive Studio and provides a structure for running your live event.

The run of show is used by those involved in production to understand the flow of the event and what the technical production cues for the various audio, video, and intermissions will be along the way. When building the run of show, live sources, pre-recorded content, layouts, and overlays are added to each scene.



In Socialive, Scenes is a new workflow that makes it easier than ever to create content in Socialive Studio. To learn more about Scenes, refer to our Support Center article.

Scheduled Videos

In some social channels, you can pre-schedule live events. Scheduling videos is done sometimes to get a destination URL to send out in marketing communications and paid campaigns.

Send Live

In Socialive, the Send Live button, a synonym for "apply changes," sends what you have edited in the Preview section into the video recording.


The process of distributing data from one single source to many independent sources. For example, in Socialive, you could simulcast live to LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook simultaneously.


In Socialive, a source can be a live camera feed, a video, an image, a screen share, etc., which you can add to the session recording.


Similar to the run of show, a storyboard is a graphic representation of how a video will unfold, shot by shot.

Streaming Protocol

A standardized method of packetization, delivery, and decoding for a stream and its compatible codecs.


The main content creation area of Socialive. It is often referred to as a TV control room in the cloud.

Switcher (camera equipment)

A piece of hardware that allows production crews to "switch" between camera feeds easily within one "take" or video. The timeline in Socialive Studio can act as a Switcher if there are multiple cameras (remote or in the same location) to grab other angles or switch to other speakers.


Targeting (LinkedIn, etc.)

Targeting is narrowing your posts' audience to a specific language, location, region, university, role, seniority, industry, or company size. In LinkedIn, targeting determines who is eligible to receive a notification about your livestream. For more information about LinkedIn organic post targeting, refer to our Support Center article.


Transmission Control Protocol is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation through which applications can exchange data; it guarantees the integrity of the data being communicated over a network, favoring reliable delivery over latency.

Tech Check

A session is held with guests ahead of the day of a recording to ensure guests can log in to Socialive, navigate the Socialive interface, review scripts, talking points, transitions, and do a technical check on devices and networks to ensure the best video quality.


In Socialive, the timeline is the sequence or outline of scenes that your recording will follow. As of our new update, the tiles in this area are called Scenes. For more information, refer to our Support Center article.


Transport Layer Security is a security protocol that encrypts the data sent over the internet. Its now-deprecated predecessor is the Security Sockets Layer (SSL).



User Datagram Protocol is a communications protocol primarily used for establishing low-latency and loss-tolerating connections between applications on the internet. It speeds up transmission by enabling the transfer of data (from the source) before an agreement is provided by the receiving party (destination).

Upload Speed

Upload speed refers to the speed of your internet connection can allow data to be sent from your devices to the internet.



Variable Frame Rate is a term in video compression for a feature supported by some container formats, which allows for the frame rate to change actively during video playback or to drop the idea of frame rate completely and set an individual time code for each frame. This is useful because it enables the software to adjust the frame rate. Therefore, a video's file size is based on the content; fewer frames means a smaller file size.

Video Conference Tools

Refers to software that can be used for conference calls, external meetings, presentations, video calling, etc. Some examples of video conferencing tools are Zoom, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, CiscoWebex, etc.

Video Creation Platform

A platform or application that helps you edit, modify, create or manipulate a video.


The number of people watching (or who watched) a video.

Virtual Event Platform

An audience/attendee platform that allows you to replicate an in-person conference or trade expo over the Internet. Generally, it has features that allow for attendee registration, data management, engagement tools for attendees, video players to showcase live or recorded content and breakout rooms, and enables attendees to interact with one another or event hosts at predetermined times.


Video on demand is a media distribution system that allows users to access videos at any time.


A virtual private network disguises your IP address when you use the internet, making its location invisible to everyone while establishing a secure connection between you and the internet.



A collection of protocols and specifications that enables the capture and delivery of voice and video communication inside web pages without installing plugins in your browser.

Working Session

An informal training session after formal onboarding. It's an opportunity for customers to work with Socialive experts (e.g., CSMs) to command best practices and platform functionality.



Refers to having no delay between the time a request is initiated, and the response is given, i.e., the requested data is transferred instantly from the source.

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